"Jason-paolo Wijoyo was born and raised 
in Indonesia and moved to Singapore 
in 2014 for education purposes."

He started blogging about his life in 
his hometown and Singapore and
his passion in art, food and technology
as a continuous project given by his

In his free time, he do anything that
can make his life happier.

Likes: art, food, interior stuff, YouTube, Instagram, swimming, edm, technology, dancing, mee goreng, ramyeon, cold, winter, rain, bar, lounge, fancy innovation, sunglasses, shoes, denim, leather, iOS, Android, silk, blue, red, green, yellow, black, white, helicopter.

Dislikes: Smoke, wall scratching sound, anything bitter, stinky smell, loud machineries noise, crowded area, long queue, purple, lack of sleep, backstabber, liar, headache

"Do anything as you'll be died tomorrow."
"Keep calm and enjoy life."

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