This is the second part of my Wire Tree post, so I deeply recommend you guys to read the previous part. I will cover all the story behind this creation. This artwork was made by me in my very first assignment of 3D Fundamental class. 

I started this by collecting some 2D and 3D references through the media or internet. After those pictures were collected, I started to draw 3 ideas that I came about in my sketchbook. Then the teacher helped us by recommending which one is the best out of 3 and how to improve it by telling some mistakes. 

After my final design had choosen, I started to do a mockup trial by doing a model of my creation. This was done by using the same material at the lower ratio. I decided to use thick bendable wire which was an extra work for me as it's definitely not an easy task to find it and a sphere styrofoam as a base. 

My teacher told that my mockup was so messy as it's not what he wanted. He wanted the one socalled smooth curves and more organized. Then I started to improve all the design and directly making the finished product. After several tries, trying different materials and finally, I made the one on the pictures above. 
It wad such a huge success and I thanked God as my teacher given this an A. I was so happy that I made this far and finally a hardwork paid off.