Last week during the creative thinking class, the lecturer engaged us to do an egg drop competition. First, we are divided into several groups and here are the rules. Each team were given one fresh egg and some materials such as a plastic cup, some newspapers, straws, papers, tissue papers, and a masking tape. We as a team, must figured out how to prevent the egg from breaking by releasing it from a 3 metres height by using the least materials as possible by 15 minutes. Our goal was to prevent the egg from breaking by using the smallest amount of materials and whom met this criteria concluded as the winning team. 

So the game started in a panicking situation where everyones were rushing to built the safest egg case as possible. Then, my team started by using straws and tissue as the inner protection and some newspapers for the outer layer. We worked so hard that we made a very big ball. That's also happen to most of the team in my class. After that, the first team started to drop their protected egg and it was a success! Then, another panic situation happened as eventually everyones rebuilt everything to made it as small as possible. Including my team, we cut off all the excess materials and made the smallest protection as we could. 

Actually, that's my teammate's hands, shoutout to Cam! Here is the thing. My group accidentally didn't take the plastic cup and we didn't even know that thing existed. So then, we redo everything from the beginning by using the plastic cup as a base. Then the game continued by everyone testing their egg drop experiment. Some failed and some succeed. Finally it's time for our drop test. We decided to pick Subadra, the shortest member in our team hoping that the height is diminished and we succeed this experiment. 

Our heart beat so fast and finally she dropped the egg and we heard the crack sound. We didn't believe this and we rushed to open the case. And this is what happened:

Lol, the egg did break and we were officially lose the game. Everyones were happy with their results and everyones won the game! I'm so glad that we tried this hard and I didn't feel disappointed at all! 

What I get from this game is, think before doing anything! A plan is a very important in doing any solo or team projects! This is not a thing to do as long as we keep sharing and hearing the members idea. Last but not least is, fail is a start to a success, never give up!
