Last week one of my lecturer gave me this brainstorming idea to engage me and the class to think laterally. Here is the Wikipedia explanation of the term lateral thinking:

"Lateral thinking is solving problems through an indirect and creative approach, using reasoning that is not immediately obvious and involving ideas that may not be obtainable by using only traditional step-by-step logic. The term was coined in 1967 by Edward de Bono."
I'm inviting you guys to also think laterally. I'm hoping you guys to come up with at least 15 answers. Here is the question:


Imagine this room, the window on the at the back is open. In front of the windows there is a table with a vase, in which a fresh rose stands. A painting of flowers hangs on the opposite wall (at the whiteboard area). A bee flies into the room through the open window, straight to the painting and not the rose. WHY?!?!

1. The bee is struck by the heavy wind
2. The bee has an artistic blood in it
3. Rose has NO nectar
4. The bee is drunk
5. The fresh rose is not visible from outside
6. The painting is flower with a big nectar
7. The bee is really full
8. The bee is mutated
9. The bee has no eyes
10. The bee is injured
11. The bee is a robot
12. Does bee always finding for food?
13. Its couple is there
14. Its queen is there
15. The painting has honeycomb beside
16. The artist using honey to paint
17. Someone spoil the painting with honey
18. The bee is hypnotised
19. The bee is in hallucination
20. The bee is just flying around

Feel free to put more outrageous answers in the comment section below. Hope you can have fun answering this question! THINK LATERALLY!
