For those of you who had been following me since the first week post, you probably should know that I haven't post much about my daily life. For this week, finally, I decided to post about my school, life and stuff. So lately, I've been extremely busy with all the college stuff where I need to do tons of sketches and assignments to work on. 

I will start with the very first subject of the week which is 3D Fundamentals. Plane and form takes a big role in 3D sculpturing. The idea of the repetitions of single element could produce an endless possibilities on making a work of art. So, this idea happened to be my second project, repetition of plane and form. 

After doing lots of research about how all the professional artist doing this, and some consultations with my lecturer, this idea came out through my mind. Repetition of acrylic sheets which is representing a moving yacht. At first, I thought that it's going to be an easy task to do. Then after all the trials I did, I've realised that acrylic is not cheap at all which I need to go all the way to the factory just to get some piece of acrylic sheets with the colour I desire. As it's not a cheap material to work on, I need to think on how to use this material as effective as possible. Moreover, the cutting process is not an easy task as of cutting a thick paper. I needed to run some of the machines in the NAFA 3D workshop which is quiet troublesome and quiet fun at the same time, I've taken some nice experience there.  

This photo happened to be taken when I did the research. It is a 3D printer which can be found at the Singapore design centre just opposite the National Library. Pretty damn cool. The go back to my finished sculpture, here are the first look of it:

 I'm so glad that all the hard work were paid off where it happens that the lecturer decided to give me an A for this assignment. My words for this week would be 'NEVER GIVE UP'. When you feel that you're feeling down or you felt like your life is not treating you well, you just need to realise that everybody face the exact same situation with you, no matter how famous you are, how old you are, and how rich you are. It's just a time for you to learn on how to be more mature and how to be stronger. I believe that I'd always see a rainbow in the end of a long journey.

I decided to celebrate this winning with a heap cup of my fave frozen yoghurt Llaollao. Located at bunch of different places in Singapore, all were always a long-waited queue. But I don't care as it's tasted like heaven. 

So, that's all my post for this week, have a nice week to y'all!