What is Analogical Thinking?
Analogical thinking is what we do when we use information from one domain (the source or analogy) to help solve a problem in another domain (the target). Experts often use analogies during the process of problem solving, and analogies have been involved in numerous scientific discoveries.
Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Analogy
Image source: http://www.illustrationdivision.com/artists/ben_wiseman

Application of Analogical Thinking

Look at this very first picture below which showing a nice photograph of a cotton plant. If people can think more analogically, hundreds of new ideas could be derived as a reflection of this plant.

A snowman for example

Or a Starbuck's Vanilla Frappe

Or even the bikini from VS fashion show
Image source: cottonaustralia.com.au, hypixel.net, urbantastebuds.com, www.ibtimes.co.in

For another example, I will show you this honeycomb evolution.

 A beautiful honeycomb made out of nature could inspire the design of a contemporary architecture, a cereal or a honeycomb dessert which is using honey as its main ingredient.

A bunch of new inspirations could be made as a reflection to a single product. As you can see bunch of new inspirations could be made as an expression to a single product. Object metamorphosis is one of an important keyword where analogical thinking is well applied.
Take a brief look on the picture below as an example.

Image source: www.gg.caltech.edu

Would you ever realised that all this 8 different things can be derived from a singular object? A dart which evolves into arrow, missiles, rocket, jet, and then airplane. How amazing that all these things are indirectly attached to each other, where everyone may not realised that they have think so analogically?

This may look fuzzy or confusing, but why don’t you browse the internet to know more about this topic as I suggest you that this is plays a big role in every products made.

So that's all for this week post, I hope that you have a clear understanding about this topic.