Think analogically on designing something useful for the future. When this sentence came out, I directly had an idea to combine a car and an aeroplane which literally is a flying car. It's somewhat like the hybrid of a cheetah and an eagle so it probably is a flying tiger, or a unicorn... I guess(?)
Images from fanpop, nationalgeographic, reddit
I'm the kind of person who is really stressful on waiting the lines and standing between the crowds just to get to somewhere. I mean, why we all se that the land area is so busy with transport everyday while we see the upper level above us is not occupied at all besides the airplane and the helicopter. Moreover that I'm thinking that in this such modern era, a huge revolution should be happened.

Image from boxkauto

Project: Compact-Z
Image Illustration from Terrafugia

Solar and Kinetic Source

illustration by Ben Wiseman
I had come up with this idea which I code-named Compact-Z, a flying car without using any fuel power for income and outcome. So then we don't need to worry anything about nature conservation and environment problem. How can this be done? As we know that solar power nowadays is not enough to give a proper power source to vehicles, so I had this idea that as a car moves, it produces kinetic energy by the wind. Why don't we conserve this energy and made this as a secondary power source for this vehicle?

Picture illustration by Ben Wiseman
Up to 250km/h on land and 1100km/h on air. This speed is so incredible for a non-fuel vehicle. This can be done by maximising the power source of nature.

Picture illustration by Ben Wiseman
There will be a smart-GPS called radar included in every Compact-Z machine. This radar can detects any possible accidents, environmental problem, nearby vehicles and places to go. This radar can also help in autopilot mode using GPS signal as seen on the airplane and cruise. This GPS is not an ordinary GPS as this smart GPS will give live updates on any condition happened. In example, radar will give information on any restaurant promotion and when it's temporary closed.

The Terminal
Picture illustration by Ben Wiseman
In some areas that power station may be a bit troublesome to find even nowadays, or less information on the places that we're not familiar of, by using the radar feature it's easy to detect any nearby power station and just press the Terminal button to proceed. 

Pros: could fly, easy to handle, reduces traffic congestion, and no fuel needed
Cons: reducing privacy, minor and major accidents

To reminds you all this is just an idea and i will not take any copyrights on all the features as I don't have any rights to develop this into real world.

If u think it's cool then comment on the box below or share!