Inventing on New Things (Week 10)

Think analogically on designing something useful for the future. When this sentence came out, I directly had an idea to combine a car and an aeroplane which literally is a flying car. It's somewhat like the hybrid of a cheetah and an eagle so it probably is a flying tiger, or a unicorn... I guess(?)
Images from fanpop, nationalgeographic, reddit
I'm the kind of person who is really stressful on waiting the lines and standing between the crowds just to get to somewhere. I mean, why we all se that the land area is so busy with transport everyday while we see the upper level above us is not occupied at all besides the airplane and the helicopter. Moreover that I'm thinking that in this such modern era, a huge revolution should be happened.

Image from boxkauto

Project: Compact-Z
Image Illustration from Terrafugia

Solar and Kinetic Source

illustration by Ben Wiseman
I had come up with this idea which I code-named Compact-Z, a flying car without using any fuel power for income and outcome. So then we don't need to worry anything about nature conservation and environment problem. How can this be done? As we know that solar power nowadays is not enough to give a proper power source to vehicles, so I had this idea that as a car moves, it produces kinetic energy by the wind. Why don't we conserve this energy and made this as a secondary power source for this vehicle?

Picture illustration by Ben Wiseman
Up to 250km/h on land and 1100km/h on air. This speed is so incredible for a non-fuel vehicle. This can be done by maximising the power source of nature.

Picture illustration by Ben Wiseman
There will be a smart-GPS called radar included in every Compact-Z machine. This radar can detects any possible accidents, environmental problem, nearby vehicles and places to go. This radar can also help in autopilot mode using GPS signal as seen on the airplane and cruise. This GPS is not an ordinary GPS as this smart GPS will give live updates on any condition happened. In example, radar will give information on any restaurant promotion and when it's temporary closed.

The Terminal
Picture illustration by Ben Wiseman
In some areas that power station may be a bit troublesome to find even nowadays, or less information on the places that we're not familiar of, by using the radar feature it's easy to detect any nearby power station and just press the Terminal button to proceed. 

Pros: could fly, easy to handle, reduces traffic congestion, and no fuel needed
Cons: reducing privacy, minor and major accidents

To reminds you all this is just an idea and i will not take any copyrights on all the features as I don't have any rights to develop this into real world.

If u think it's cool then comment on the box below or share!

Analogical Thinking (Week 9)

What is Analogical Thinking?
Analogical thinking is what we do when we use information from one domain (the source or analogy) to help solve a problem in another domain (the target). Experts often use analogies during the process of problem solving, and analogies have been involved in numerous scientific discoveries.
Image source:

Application of Analogical Thinking

Look at this very first picture below which showing a nice photograph of a cotton plant. If people can think more analogically, hundreds of new ideas could be derived as a reflection of this plant.

A snowman for example

Or a Starbuck's Vanilla Frappe

Or even the bikini from VS fashion show
Image source:,,,

For another example, I will show you this honeycomb evolution.

 A beautiful honeycomb made out of nature could inspire the design of a contemporary architecture, a cereal or a honeycomb dessert which is using honey as its main ingredient.

A bunch of new inspirations could be made as a reflection to a single product. As you can see bunch of new inspirations could be made as an expression to a single product. Object metamorphosis is one of an important keyword where analogical thinking is well applied.
Take a brief look on the picture below as an example.

Image source:

Would you ever realised that all this 8 different things can be derived from a singular object? A dart which evolves into arrow, missiles, rocket, jet, and then airplane. How amazing that all these things are indirectly attached to each other, where everyone may not realised that they have think so analogically?

This may look fuzzy or confusing, but why don’t you browse the internet to know more about this topic as I suggest you that this is plays a big role in every products made.

So that's all for this week post, I hope that you have a clear understanding about this topic.

School Life (Week 8)

For those of you who had been following me since the first week post, you probably should know that I haven't post much about my daily life. For this week, finally, I decided to post about my school, life and stuff. So lately, I've been extremely busy with all the college stuff where I need to do tons of sketches and assignments to work on. 

I will start with the very first subject of the week which is 3D Fundamentals. Plane and form takes a big role in 3D sculpturing. The idea of the repetitions of single element could produce an endless possibilities on making a work of art. So, this idea happened to be my second project, repetition of plane and form. 

After doing lots of research about how all the professional artist doing this, and some consultations with my lecturer, this idea came out through my mind. Repetition of acrylic sheets which is representing a moving yacht. At first, I thought that it's going to be an easy task to do. Then after all the trials I did, I've realised that acrylic is not cheap at all which I need to go all the way to the factory just to get some piece of acrylic sheets with the colour I desire. As it's not a cheap material to work on, I need to think on how to use this material as effective as possible. Moreover, the cutting process is not an easy task as of cutting a thick paper. I needed to run some of the machines in the NAFA 3D workshop which is quiet troublesome and quiet fun at the same time, I've taken some nice experience there.  

This photo happened to be taken when I did the research. It is a 3D printer which can be found at the Singapore design centre just opposite the National Library. Pretty damn cool. The go back to my finished sculpture, here are the first look of it:

 I'm so glad that all the hard work were paid off where it happens that the lecturer decided to give me an A for this assignment. My words for this week would be 'NEVER GIVE UP'. When you feel that you're feeling down or you felt like your life is not treating you well, you just need to realise that everybody face the exact same situation with you, no matter how famous you are, how old you are, and how rich you are. It's just a time for you to learn on how to be more mature and how to be stronger. I believe that I'd always see a rainbow in the end of a long journey.

I decided to celebrate this winning with a heap cup of my fave frozen yoghurt Llaollao. Located at bunch of different places in Singapore, all were always a long-waited queue. But I don't care as it's tasted like heaven. 

So, that's all my post for this week, have a nice week to y'all!

Lateral Thinking (Week 7)

Last week one of my lecturer gave me this brainstorming idea to engage me and the class to think laterally. Here is the Wikipedia explanation of the term lateral thinking:

"Lateral thinking is solving problems through an indirect and creative approach, using reasoning that is not immediately obvious and involving ideas that may not be obtainable by using only traditional step-by-step logic. The term was coined in 1967 by Edward de Bono."
I'm inviting you guys to also think laterally. I'm hoping you guys to come up with at least 15 answers. Here is the question:


Imagine this room, the window on the at the back is open. In front of the windows there is a table with a vase, in which a fresh rose stands. A painting of flowers hangs on the opposite wall (at the whiteboard area). A bee flies into the room through the open window, straight to the painting and not the rose. WHY?!?!

1. The bee is struck by the heavy wind
2. The bee has an artistic blood in it
3. Rose has NO nectar
4. The bee is drunk
5. The fresh rose is not visible from outside
6. The painting is flower with a big nectar
7. The bee is really full
8. The bee is mutated
9. The bee has no eyes
10. The bee is injured
11. The bee is a robot
12. Does bee always finding for food?
13. Its couple is there
14. Its queen is there
15. The painting has honeycomb beside
16. The artist using honey to paint
17. Someone spoil the painting with honey
18. The bee is hypnotised
19. The bee is in hallucination
20. The bee is just flying around

Feel free to put more outrageous answers in the comment section below. Hope you can have fun answering this question! THINK LATERALLY!


Great Expectations (2012) Movie Review (Week 6)

Despite its huge success of the novel Great Expectations written by the well-known author Charles Dickens, I’ve admitted that this movie adaptation remakes in 2012 is way too underrated as most people I asked never heard about this movie. From my thoughts, the adaptation of the movie really brings up the plot to be intensive and to be easily understood as the original story is so deep and not an easy task for a common people to understand what the writer expressed through his writing.

This story began at calm then suddenly a conflict happens in the very beginning of the movie which really brings up the viewer’s attention. Then, the plot is beginning to be constant when suddenly a bunch of twist happening to brings up the excitement as our mind became puzzled of what will happen next. After that, it continues to be a boring plot for those who didn’t understand the story thus far. Finally, starting from the three quarters of the movie when all of the story suddenly get connected and revealed. This movie ending clears up everything as the original story are in the verge of good or bad.

Photo credit: fanpop, theguardian
For me, all of the plot are well executed with the great casting of the actor which really suits up their roles in the movie. All of the expressions, acts, costumes, scenes are taken seriously as it is both exciting and beautiful. Moreover, I’m starting to be a fan of young Pip and Estella. While the adaptation are too rushed as the viewer needs to pay attention at the story expression, it takes more than one time for me to really understand the clear plot.

My verdict told this movie is worth watching and I give this 6.5/10 as this movie can be far better with some of the rushing and boring plot. It’s worth buying this movie.

19th Century vs Modern Contemporary Architecture [Week 5]

There is such a huge gap between modern contemporary architecture at present and the one in the late 18th until middle 19th century. Either then or now, people are still appreciating the value of a vintage building architecture as they remain a historical aesthetic. At this modern era, by the effect of globalisation, majority of people are luxuriating modern contemporary buildings. Many designers  in sort of competitive way are trying to built the coolest or the fanciest building ever.      

Photo credit as tagged.
William Le Baron Jenney, the designer of the Chicago’s Home Insurance Building built in 1884, is a stickler for metal-framed skyscraper design. This building is generally noted as the first tall building to be supported, both inside and outside, by a fireproof metal frame. By looking the exterior, this type of building can be seen a lot in Chicago until now. This kind of design imitate how the other building looks at that era, allowing large plate-glass window areas, limiting the amount of exterior ornamentation. This kind of architecture classified as ‘Chicago School’ or ‘Commercial Style’ architecture which describes the building in late 18th century. The window is a three-part window consisting of a large fixed centre panel flanked by two smaller double-hung sash windows. The arrangement of windows on the facade typically creates a grid pattern, with some projecting out from the facade forming bay windows.
Photo credit as tagged.
Completed in 1989, the Louvre Pyramid designed by a Chinese architect, Ieoh Ming Pei has become a Landmark of the city of Paris. This is a large glass and metal pyramid, surrounded by three smaller pyramids, in the main courtyard (Cour NapolĂ©on) of the Louvre Palace (Palais du Louvre) in Paris. The construction of the pyramid triggered considerable controversy because many people felt that the futuristic edifice looked quite out of place in front of the Louvre Museum with its classical architecture. Others lauded the juxtaposition of contrasting architectural styles as a successful merger of the old and the new, the classical and the ultra-modern. Formally, the pyramid is the more compatible figure with the Louvre's architecture. Also, it is one of the most stable forms, ensuring its transparency and it is constructed of steel and metal, symbolising a break with past traditions, it is work of our time.

Photos from stemcvee, kunstler, wikipedia, partsolutions, architectureanddesign, youramazingplaces, glamgrid

In conclusion, our verdict told that the architect in the contemporary era can be more independent expressing their ideas by the development of techniques and machineries making their imagination comes true while the past designers are limited in materials, ideas and structures. Designers nowadays are thinking more outside the box by no longer using the sense of boring and superannuated shapes, looks or colours. The designs are more futuristic, ruleless, cool and some are more affected by the nature surroundings, and the variety of materials are more easily accessible moreover they may invent by using unusual materials.

Warm and Cool Colours in Interior [Week 4/Post 2]

Probably for you and art people out there should've heard about the term cool and warm. So what does it means? Now, I'm engaging you guys to do some thinking. When you think about warm, what colour comes in your mind? How about cool, what colour comes in your mind? The answer should be obvious as you may seen them before when washing your hands or taking a shower. If you turn it red,  the water will go hotter and the other way around.

This theory actually applies in the world of visual art. Here is the explanation of warm and cool colours and how to flourish your living room, bedroom or even bathroom into your personal preference of sense just by experimenting on different colours. 

Pictures from bellmaisoninc, tazatik, creativehomeidea
"Warm colors are made with orange, red, yellow and combinations of them all. As the name indicates, they tend to make you think of sunlight and heat. Warm colors look as though they come closer, or advance (as do dark colors), which is why they're often used to make large rooms look cozier. If you have a huge bedroom that you want to look more intimate try painting a warm color such as terra cotta or brown to make it feel cozier

Pictures from homedit
Cool colours such as blue, green and light purple have the ability to calm and soothe. Where warm colors remind us of heat and sunshine, cool colors remind us of water and sky. Unlike warm colors, cool colours look as though they recede, making them great for small rooms you want to look larger. If you have tiny bedroom or powder room that you want to visually enlarge try painting a colour such as light blue to make it look more spacious.

An important thing to remember when dealing with warm and cool colors is that no room should have just one. If you want your room to be cozy have warm colors as the dominant colors and then add a few elements that incorporate cool colors (and vice versa). Like with all elements of decorating it's important to have some balance and contrast."
Article from About Home

So supposedly you guys have the idea of how to do a proper colouring on your interiors, and feel free to spread this must-have tips by About Home. 

Bye for now!